How Pets Improve Mental Health

How Dogs and Cats Positively Impact our Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and at our Lucy Pet Foundation™, we know how important a pet can be for a positive impact on our mental health. Pets are truly a blessing, offering not only clear health benefits but also enriching our lives in so many subtle ways! Owning a dog or cat, (or both!), can bring companionship, love, purpose, physical, and psychological benefits that go far beyond just cuddling our furry kids. 

Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Having a furry companion can bring a wide range of remarkable health benefits! Whether it’s an energetic puppy, an older, loving rescue dog, or a cuddly purring cat… these lovable pets can greatly improve our physical and mental health. Let’s explore more on just how they work their wonderful therapeutic magic:

Heart Health and Increased Physical Activity

Research indicates that owning a pet is associated with reduced blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and a lower risk of heart disease. Pets, particularly dogs, also require regular exercise, motivating their owners to participate in physical activities.

Improved Mental Health

Caring for pets involves providing love, attention, and care for one dependent on us. Pets provide unconditional love, serving as a source of comfort to their pet parents. This is especially beneficial for those dealing with mental health issues or challenging situations. Having a responsibility outside of ourselves can serve as a reminder that there’s a lot of love around us. The simple gesture of petting an animal can lower stress hormone levels and boost the release of serotonin and dopamine.

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Owning a Dog or Cat

Fights against Loneliness: Pets provide unconditional love and companionship. They help their pet parent fight feelings of loneliness and isolation with their natural antics and love. Owning a pet, particularly a dog, can facilitate community connections, encouraging social interactions and the development of friendships with other pet parents.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Studies have shown that simply having a pet around can lower cortisol levels, reducing stress and anxiety. This makes it one of the most valued psychological advantages of having pets.

Enhances our Mood: Interacting with pets can boost mood and offer a sense of purpose, particularly beneficial for those facing challenging times or living alone. How can we not laugh at some of the hilarious things that happen during the day with these furry pals?

Benefits of Adopting or Rescuing a Pet

Did you know there are so many good things that come from adopting a dog or cat from a rescue or your local animal shelter? Adopting a pet not only provides a forever home to a homeless animal but also brings its own set of rewards. Giving a second chance at life to animals in need can bring a sense of purpose to our own lives. And you are also contributing to animal welfare through supporting animal shelters and rescues with paying adoption fees, which in turn aids their valuable mission. Read How to Pick a Dog from the Shelter by MasterClass Trainer Brandon McMillan, which is a great article on insider tips for adopting a pet.

Owning a pet truly is a blessing! So, next time you cuddle up with your beloved furry child, remember how truly special they are and the positive impact they have on your well-being. And don’t forget, feeding Lucy Pet Foods™ can help your pet live their best life!