
A Helpful Guide to the Best Food for Chow Chows

As any pet parent will attest, finding the best type of food for your dog is important. But not always as easy as you’d think! Depending on your pup’s breed, weight and age, dietary requirements may vary a great deal. Fortunately, the pet food industry has developed a wide array of different dog food formulas. And being aware of the nutrients your Chow Chow needs, such as canine food sensitivities and high-quality protein. We’ll explore the best food for the Chow Chow dog, including dietary recommendations, health concerns for the breed, diet and exercise recommendations.

History of the Chow Chow

Dating back to ancient China, the Chow Chow is one of the world’s oldest breeds. In fact, their rich history includes canine companions to Chinese nobles, and was later adorned by Queen Victoria in the 1800s. Chows were introduced to Americans in the 1890s, and admitted into the AKC in 1903, further cementing their status worldwide as a favorite amongst dog enthusiasts. With their lion-like mane, they’re often referred to as “lion dogs”. They sport a thick double coat that requires bi-weekly brushing and regular grooming. Consequently, a diet high in lean protein is advantageous for Chows. Not only for their overall well-being but it ensures a shiny, healthy coat and skin.

A Chow Chow Diet: Identifying Appropriate Nutrition For Your Dog

When it comes to Chow’s nutrition, knowing the breed’s dietary needs is the first step in identifying the appropriate dog food for your beloved pet. For example, according to the American Kennel Club, many Chow Chow owners opt for a low-grain diet, particularly because the breed is prone to allergies. Therefore, you may want to consider the benefits of grain-free dog food or limited ingredient diet when thinking about the best food for the Chow Chow dog.

Health Concerns

Chow Chows are often categorized as overweight dogs. They’re also prone to diabetes since they’re not the most active. Therefore, be mindful not to overfeed pups, avoid giving them table scraps and implement proper exercise. Whether you opt for dry or wet dog food, pay attention to your Chow’s skin for any signs of allergy or irritation, since certain foods can trigger allergic reactions or digestive problems.

If you have any particular health concerns about your dog’s diet and nutrition – including weight, dietary restrictions, or even deciphering what ‘human’ foods are safe to feed your Chow – speak with your veterinarian. They can provide you with professional advice and recommendations on the nutrients your Chow Chow needs, whether he’s a pup or a senior dog.

The Best Food For A Chow Chow: A Healthy Diet At Every Age

Depending on your dog’s age and overall health, it’s essential to determine your Chow’s nutritional needs at every phase of life. Speak with your vet to determine the best food and portion sizes for their age, weight and health issues, if any. Below, a general rule of thumb to follow:


Since a puppy’s digestive system is more sensitive than an adult’s, experts typically recommend small, frequent portions (for example, a ½ cup four times a day) in order to ensure adequate nutrition, energy levels and time in between meals for proper digestion.

The Adult Dog

After a Chow has reached at least one year of age, owners will want to increase meal-time portions based on the dog’s activity levels. As mentioned, since this breed is typically sedentary, check with your vet if you have questions about portion control or frequency of feeding. For snack or training time, consider healthy, grain-free dog treats made with quality ingredients like salmon and pumpkin made in the USA.


For geriatric canines, you’ll be intimately familiar with your dog’s likes, dislikes, and dietary needs at this phase. But that doesn’t mean that it’s less important to be mindful of their health requirements. Ensuring vitality into his golden years calls for quality dog food rich in whole ingredients, vitamins, and minerals. At this senior stage, it’s important to make sure you are supplying all the nutrients your Chow Chow needs. In addition, a dog will probably be even less active at this stage of life – so watch portion sizes.

The Nutrients Your Chow Chow Needs: Not All Dog Foods Are Created Equal

It might seem like feeding your dog commercial dog food that is labeled ‘healthy’ will deliver the nutrients your Chow Chow needs – right? Think again. Not all dog foods are created equally. While many dog food brands use the words ‘healthy’, ‘GMO-free’, ‘all-natural’, and so on, it’s important to read the labels carefully. If the ingredients list corn meal, corn gluten meal, wheat fillers, by-products, or other vague ingredients, it’s most likely sub-par food. And not something you want to feed your pet!

Luckily for Chow Chows, there are numerous dog food options available. Delivering both taste and high-quality ingredients while providing essential vitamins and minerals to keep pups happy and healthy.

Limited Ingredient DietDiets that can work well for Chow Chows

Limited-Ingredients: Lucy Pet Foods has developed “limited ingredient diet” recipes, which translates to a single source of protein and limited carbohydrate sources. These dog foods are healthier because they contain whole food ingredients, such as duck and healthy carbs. And that also means no fillers or empty calories (great news for dogs and pet parents alike)! An additional benefit to limited-ingredients recipes: they’re especially beneficial for dogs who suffer from food-related allergies.

Did You Know…

As mentioned earlier, the Chow Chow can trace its ancestry back to ancient China. Chows lived in mountainous regions. They derived their primary nutrition from foods such as beans, peas, barley, yak milk, spinach and wild game. Due to the severe climate, food was usually salted and frozen to preserve it for long lengths of time. This is including the food that was fed to domesticated dogs. Over the course of thousands of years, Chows became accustomed to salt in their diet. So it’s important to ensure they have trace levels of salt in their food. In fact, research has indicated that a lack of sodium can cause calcium to dissolve from their bones. This can possibly leading to health issues such as joint and digestive problems, dehydration and arthritis.

Healthy For Life: What To Feed Your Chow

Knowing the best foods to feed your Chow Chow is simple once you’ve done your research. Understanding the breed as well their dietary needs can help you to determine the healthiest food choices. Choose dog food containing nutritious ingredients, including whole food sources such as lean meats and proteins. Read the labels to ensure your pooch is receiving adequate vitamins and minerals – minus the fillers. Since the breed is prone to allergies and obesity, speak to your vet to determine a meal plan. And don’t for get it may be best to opt for a grain-free diet.

Salmon, Pumpkin & Quinoa FormulaLucy Pet Foods

Consider natural dog food formulas such as Lucy Pet – our dog products are made from high-quality food sources, including real ingredients such as quinoa, sea kelp, vegetables, pumpkin and lean cuts of meat and fish. Lucy Pet Foods™ is formulated to promote better digestion and gut health by acclaimed pet nutritionist Dr. George C. Fahey. You can rest assured you’re providing your pup with the best dog food available.

Sources Cited:

  1. Barrington, Kate. “8 Best (Healthiest) Dog Foods For Chow Chows In 2020.” Dog Food Guide.com, January 30, 2019, https://dogfood.guide/chow-chows/. Accessed January 16, 2020.
  2. Richard, Eric. “What is the Best Dog Food for Chow Chows?” Here Pup.com, (no publish date), https://herepup.com/best-dog-food-chow-chows/. Accessed January 16, 2020.
  3. “High Protein For A Chow Chow.” PetCareRx.com (no publish date), https://www.petcarerx.com/article/high-protein-for-a-chow-chow/301. Accessed January 16, 2020.
  4. “What is the Best Dog Food for Chow Chows?” Here Pup.com, (no publish date), https://herepup.com/best-dog-food-chow-chows/. Accessed January 16, 2020.